Jul 24
In Chapter 1, 10 years on from These Times ending, we saw Grace attacked by the Bactamrin and discovered strange luminous green orbs under the mountains of Mars.
In this chapter, we jump to find out what Yorik is doing. He too has been called away from Earth and is back in his original form about to face a species-to-species showdown, all in the epic backdrop of space.
Commander Yorik clanked along the metal gantry that lined the walls of the gigantic docking bay Alpha six. He descended the last flight to the deck they had readied his craft on.
A warm feeling crept up inside him as he saw the sleek outlines of his old familiar ship, an Xcardo Boxx class fighter.
The advanced material of the skin shimmered with the light from the other ships' engines as the battalions of them readied for battle.
They seem to be throwing every last craft we have at this, he thought, things can't be good.
Once inside his comfortably worn cockpit, Yorik started the launch sequence and turned his attention to the communication scanner.