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Neon Painted Face


From Meat Cutter to Author

D Ashworth is an author from the heart of England, the Midlands where people are friendly, kind, and full of the rich history that soaks this unique part of the country. D bounced around as a youth doing jobs such as meat cutter and fishing tackle packer to eventually finding a way into the exploding world of IT in the early 2000s.

After carving a promising and successful career writing computer programs. Which bemusingly were designed to solve illogical human problems, in a logical way. The insanity of everyday life weighed heavy.

During this period D had many life-changing moments and calls to wake up. 

After being promoted to positions where a chance to stop the madness, or at least reduce it, resulted in realizing the scale of the problem.

D quit it all and sought refuge in the canal networks of England. He lives there to this day, roaming the canals with his two dinosaurs, Rupert and Skittles.

Through it all, it is clear the passion to write and create worlds has always remained.
These Times was a brave step into doing what D was put on Earth to do.

To write and tell stories from the Universe.

The upcoming Troubling Times will hopefully see this author mature and blossom.

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